Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Families: Burying Their Loved Ones.

What does it feel like when your loved one returns home but you can no longer be with them? All you have of them are pictures, their belongings, and the folded flag given to you during the service. What does it feel like to tell your children that they will never see their parent again? These things we may or may not know, but what we do know is that these are the hardest times for these families. These are the times to mourn and comfort those who need it. To bury any loved one is hard, but to bury a loved one who has been away for quite sometime that you hardly ever see is even harder.

Not only do the families mourn the loss of their loved one, the soldiers mourn the loss of a wonderful friend. Soldiers hold small memorial services for the lost friend, but nothing compared to what is held back at home. The momorial services are well planned out, with military service there to honor and salute their lost friend, as well as shoot of their guns in their remembrance. After this the flag is folded my the military men and handed to the husband or wife, mother or father, or in some cases, the children. Then the casket is lifted onto a horse and carriage to be taken to the memorial grounds for the soldiers. This memorial site not only represents what tragic things happened to these men and women, but it also represents the wonderful honor and heroism that they will always be known for.
There are many ways that these soldiers can be remembered. Many are remembered through pictures and stories from their families. Others are remembered through television and the internet. There is a website I recently found called In Remembrance. On the home page of this website it tells you that 4,898 service members are honored on there. It gives you profiles of soldiers, which the families update, telling a little about them such as their age, date of death, branch of military, unit, and much more. Please check out this website and honor the ones who have fallen.

How would you feel if you had to bury your loved one and receive the flag?

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