Wednesday, April 8, 2009

War in Iraq: Helping them with their economy.

As I said in my last post, many people argue the fact that we are fighting this war for nothing. All we are doing now is to help Iraq establish a government and new economy. But should we really do this? After 9-11 people feel that we should not help the people who caused us so much pain. Why should we help other people with their economy when our economy is hurting too? Many people support this decision saying that they need it more than we do, but is that entirely true? Yes, we are over there due to the fact that we were looking for the people who started the 9-11 attacks, but we should have been out of there after we found them and got the freedom that we were fighting for. Troops are expected to be pulled from Iraq by the end of 2012, but will that date stay the same or change?

Do we really need to still be in Iraq at this moment? Are we really fighting for nothing or is it something? How long will it last? When will it end? Why are we fighting? Everyday people are bombarded with questions like these. None of which we know the answers for. All we know is that we can hope for the best and watch the news to seen new updates.

Do you feel that we are fighting this war for nothing? Do you have any inputs or ideas that you would like included in future posts?


  1. I think that we are fighting for nothing, and that innocent people are dying for absolutely nothing. people say we need to be over there because of all the violence that's going on, but did anyone stop to think that maybe the reason that there is so much violence over there because of American troops?

  2. I believe that we are fighting for nothing too.
    I mean yes, we want to do good and help them out, but we need to help ourselves before we help them. I think they should be out of there before 2012!!!

