Have you ever wondered what it was like to wear the uniforms the soldiers wear or how it was to stay out in the blazing heat all day? To some it may be something they like to do, for others it can be a struggle everyday. On April 18, 2006 Col. Sean Metroka wrote a letter explaining his life in Iraq. He is colonel in the Marine reserves from Nevada City. He wrote this letter during his second tour of duty in Iraq. He starts by saying that he lives in an 8x20 foot trailer. The trailer is known as a CO.RI.MEC. after the company that produces them. Though these trailers are small, he says that they are comfortable, though they are not as comfortable as home. Many people play it out to make soldiers look like they never take showers and never eat, but that is not true. Sean states that they take daily showers, eat well, and work out in the gym. There is also a pool for them to relax and get away from everything around them. The flights are hard when traveling on helicopter. Taking a direct flight cuts down on time, but in many cases they stop at other towns and small villages along the way, causing flights to be tiring. A simple flight that Col. Metroka was taking would have taken him 25 minutes on a direct flight, but instead they stopped at many places, so the flight took him 4 hours and 30 minutes.
While the weather is hot, the soldiers still stay stong and do what they are supposed to. Though the soldiers make friends with the men and women that serve with them, nothing compares to their family and friends back home. Though the soldiers have well conditions, it is when they are out fighting that they are truly scarred and worried. Everyday they hope that they will get to go home soon and see the ones that they love.
The trailer the soldiers live in.
While the weather is hot, the soldiers still stay stong and do what they are supposed to. Though the soldiers make friends with the men and women that serve with them, nothing compares to their family and friends back home. Though the soldiers have well conditions, it is when they are out fighting that they are truly scarred and worried. Everyday they hope that they will get to go home soon and see the ones that they love.
The trailer the soldiers live in.

A pool for the soldiers to relax at.

To read the full letter go to http://www.theunion.com/article/20060418/NEWS/60417015
Would you be able to live like the soldiers do?
I could, but I'd get tired of it really fast. I get tired of everything really fast.
ReplyDeleteAre you planning on joining the ARMY ?
No, I don't think I could...I can't stand crowed spaces. I just don't think I have the patients for that!
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think I could. That would be terrible and I wouldn't make it out alive. I feel really bad for them, even though it's their choice.