Everyday there are people fighting to bring their loved ones home. Whether it be protesting by yourself outside, protesting with a group of people in the streets, or going to Washington, D.C. to request a meeting with the president, it is fighting for your loved ones to come home to see them and be with them. Many times the protests do not start until months after a person goes off to war or after they return only to be buried. Families then commit themselves to help bring all the other soldiers home because they don't want other families to experience what they had to go through. There was a woman a few years ago, though I do not know her name, who protested the war after her son left for Iraq. She went to Washington, D.C. to request a meeting with President Bush. She did not succeed the first day, so the next day she went back and did the same thing, every day was a failure. Any where the president went she followed, and though she never got her meeting with the president she made a point to many people. She put an impact on many peoples lives and showed them that even if you can't get what you want you have to fight for it, in the end whether you get what you want or not you know that you tried your hardest and made a difference in someone' s life.

Every day there are many people trying to do this, every second of every day there is someone protesting the war. Whether they be in front of the White House, outside their house, or in the streets of a city, they will be noticed, even if they make no difference in what is happening. Sometimes protests can get very violent and out of hand, but some people feel that they are worth it. Many times police officers are called out to break up the protest or to calm the protesters, and sometimes the protesters will fight back. Some of these protests can be very deadly, or others can be just calm and reserved. No one should have to lose their life during something as simple and uncomplicated as a protest, but it does happen, and it doesn't solve anything. But many people feel that even when something like this happens the person who lost their life died for something they believed in and were willing to fight for.

Do you feel that the protests are necessary? Do you feel that they help in anyway or impact any one's life? Why?
Yes, i think they are necessary because people are standing up for what they feel is right and they are not backing down or giving up.
ReplyDeleteYes it helps, especially if you get what you want because then a wrong will become a right.
It honors people because they are fighting for the loved ones in their life who have sacrificed their life long enough.
i do believe that protests can get you somewhere. my great-great-great-great aunt fought for women's rights in the early 1900's. and not a lot of people believe me when i tell her that she was Susan B. Anthony. But she was. Which actually, kind of explains me. My dad says that she's a relative from his side of the family which explains him too. I believe that if you fight for what you believe in, and if you make your voice heard to someone, anyone at all, you can accomplish great things. After all, look at Susan B. Anthony. She protested for years and years for equality for women and for African-Americans. She fought her whole life for this. Unfortunately, she never got to vote herself because she died in 1906, but by 1920, women earned the right to vote and in the 1950's and 1960's the civil rights movement happened. that just proves that if you make your voice heard, amazing things can be accomplished
ReplyDeleteI wish everyone would just calm down and protest peace by making music &growing out their hair, like in the 70's.
ReplyDeleteI believe in standing up for what's right, but in a respectful way.
I think if you have an opinion you should voice it. Do you think MLK got anywhere by keeping his mouth shut? Hell no. We need to stand up for what we believe in or else nothing would be accomplished.