Everyday not only are random men and women from our country leaving for the war, some of them are also parents. Whether their children or young or old, it hurts them all to see their parent leave. Though most children at a young age have no idea what is happening around them, they are still hurting inside because after so long they notice their parent is not around. The worst moment comes when someone has to leave, and the people around them are devastated.
Many children cry when their parent leaves, while others put a smile on their face and try to be brave. Many of the children who do understand what is happening wonder if they will ever see their parent again. They wonder if the will be able to hug them soon and welcome them home. While many children and their families do not get to do this, there are some who cherish the moments of their parent and loved one coming home. It is hard for all children to be left alone, growing up for so long with both parents, then narrowing it down to one.

What about the children who are not born yet, only still inside their mother? They never get to see their dad when they are born, they do not know who he is or know what he looks like and sounds like. They only have the comfort of their mother and other family members, no father to love and hold them. Some parents do go to certain extreems to say goodbye to their children. Many parents will go to the child's school when an event is happening to suprise the child. Though this does help some children to know that their parent really loves them, it is still upsetting to know that they are leaving for a long time and you do not know when they will be coming back.
How upset would you be if your parent left for Iraq?
How would you want them to say goodbye?
oh my God. i think i would die if my dad or mom would leave for Iraq. Well, actually, this might sound really bad, but if my mom told me she was going to Iraq, i'd probably die laughing because my mom wouldn't last 5 minutes camping in the back yard much less in the army. But if one of them actually left, i don't know what i'd do. my dad already spends a lot of time away from home as it is, because he has to travel for work, but if he went to Iraq, it'd kill me wondering if i'd ever see him alive again. and it'd be so weird not having him there for so long.
ReplyDeleteI would be seriously devastated. I would NEVER ever want anyone in my family to have to go to Iraq. It's so dangerous there, and you never know what could happen. I would never stop thinking about them.
ReplyDeleteI'd worry myself to death if anyone i really cared about had to go to iraq. i've knew some people, but no one that meant a whole lot.
ReplyDeletei honestly have no idea what i would do. the last day, i'd want to just do some of their favorite things - nothing huge. some banana pancakes & walking around town or something.