Thursday, May 7, 2009

War in Iraq: The Casualties.

Since the war has begun there have been many lives lost of soldiers. As I said in one of my previous posts, the death toll for 2008 was lower than the death toll of any other year. The death toll for the year 2008 was between 8,315 and 9,028. With the death toll falling and rising year after year it is sometimes hard to keep up with it and have an exact number. But does the number really matter? Isn't it only that we are losing loved one's and family members? The number should really never matter, though it is in our minds, it is not in the front, only the back, we worry more about the people who we have lost.

Yes, everyday is a struggle hearing on the news that another soldier has died, hoping that is not anyone we know, but feeling pain for other people who have lost that person. If the death toll was between 8,000 and 9,000 in 2008, what will it be like at the end of this year? What will it be like when we get out war and finally come home? The numbers are devestating and our hearts are broken, but we have to stay strong and hope for the best.

Do you think the numbers really matter?

1 comment:

  1. of course they do! They matter to any soldier or any family of a soldier. they desperately hope that they never become a statistic of war casualties. the numbers mean a lot!

