Friday, May 22, 2009

War in Iraq: Is It Really Worth It?

We all know that we have been at war for years and what we are there for. But the question is that is it really worth the risk to be losing so many soldiers? Past posts of mine have given the cost, and the problems with the economy and families, and to sum it all up, none of that is worth losing one life. Though the soldiers choose to take the risk that they know is ahead of them, they know what may result in the end. To many people, fighting is not the answer and solves nothing. Do we really have to fight just to show that we can defend our country. Isn't freedom just supposed to be free? No one ever said we had to fight for it, so we should not have to. Some say the soldiers that died are gone and killed in battle for something they loved or for the freedom that we are fighting for. Is that really true? Or did they just die fighting for something that comes naturally?

At the end of all this are we going to look back and say "We finally got our freedom" or are we going to say "We fought that war for nothing and lost many lives in the process?" Everyone has a different opinion about the war, why we are fighting, and if it is right to be fighting or not. Though we cannot change some one's opinion and we cannot prove anything, we can go on what we believe. So like I said at the beginning...IS IT REALLY WORTH IT???

Do you think that it is worth losing the lives that have been lost or do you think that it is for nothing?


  1. I have lost someone to this war, someone very close to my heart. He died for what HE believed in. I think that it is pointless and he died in vein, but it's not about what I think, it's about what the soliders believe in you know?
    I hate it, I really do, but that's life. You love and hate a lot of things.

    r.i.p. Johnathan Burke.

  2. i think it's unnecessary for people to be dying over there when they won't even come out and admit it's a war, and keep dragging everything on.
    they've yet to say any concrete date on when everyone gets to leave, and it's terrible.

